Pasture Raised Chickens



Our pasture raised Cornish Cross’s are fed only certified organic, non-GMO feed in addition to the natural foraging they get on our pastures. No soy. No antibiotics.


Fresh salad bar

Our chickens are moved once, sometimes twice a day, to a new paddock giving them access to fresh grass and bugs to forage on, ensuring clean space for them to express their chicken-ness. Our mobile chicken tractors provide shelter from land and arial predators.


Integrity processing

Our chickens are processed humanely and carefully by hand on the farm. Quality control and food safety is our number one priority. A whole chicken is great for roasting, perfect for a soup, and awesome pieced up and fried. Be sure to save the bones which are perfect for a healing bone broth.

Come to the farm for a tour or demonstration demo’s to see just how much care goes into how our chickens are raised.

We will be processing chickens every 2 weeks from June-August. To purchase reach out for your options.