Commonly Asked Questions


Is It Easy to Kill Something You’ve Raised?

No, it’s not. And we don’t relish in taking a life. However, we have chosen to eat meat (for many reasons), and if we’re going to eat it, we believe we should be willing to participate in the process of producing it. In fact, we think anyone who eats meat needs to take part of the process at least once. Far too many folks never give their meat a thought, thinking the neatly wrapped styrofoam packages at the store somehow magically erase the fact the meat inside the cellophane came from a living, breathing creature. 

Can I visit your homestead?

We get this question a lot. Sometimes more than once or twice a week. We love it that you are interested in what we do and how we live! This is why we post on social media and have now started offering scheduled tours. We really want to share what we are learning and help you to learn too, but this is our home and we moved out here to get away from it all and the rat race of life in the city. We love our peace and quiet! It is not that we don’t appreciate each and every one of our supporters-we do! If you’d like to come see what we are doing first hand sign up for one of our tours!

How Big is Your Property?

We reside on 2.75 acres. We actively farm about 1.75 of it. We were actually surprised how much we can actually do on what we thought was just a little land.

What Animals do you have? Which ones are your favorite?

The animals we have all at one time varies depending on the time of year but we generally always have: cows, pigs, goats, cats, chickens, and ducks. It’s hard to pick favorites because they all play important rolls and have their own unique set of characteristics that makes them entertaining to have around, but if we had to choose Chris is definitely a cow guy and the pigs have a special place in Amanda’s heart and when asked (just now) Nova says she loves the baby cows but we can tell you that changes day to day!
